So, what to say instead of good-bye?
How about...I'll be back? I am saying it with that Arnold Schwarzenegger accent, did you hear it?
I'll be back.
That's a nice positive note to leave on, don't you think? For my own sake, I need to come back, I will miss you all too much. And, of course, my Danielley is here. Which reminds me, I have all of your contact info so when Danielle calls me and needs something I will be counting on y'all to help me out!
I will be in NJ once a month to visit and will definitely stop in and see you. So, go to the library every day and wait for me. Read a book while you are waiting and then tell me why I should read it, too. I will be reading in anticipation of our meeting and will email you if I come across something special you might like.
It's a plan, a good plan. And if something gets in the way of our plan, we will make a new plan. It would be too sad to think I will never see you again. You have all been such a wonderful part of my life. Sigh. However, as sad as I am to leave, I am very excited about the new opportunities that wait for me in my new home. And, of course, my boys are there and I miss them very much.
I have been looking through old photos, what a joy! We did have a good time together, didn't we? Project Linus, crafternoons, knitting, yu-gi-oh, anime, improv, Expresso, chess club, Book Buddies, film club, the garden, the beautiful and useful garden, just to name a few. Remember when we tried to learn Japanese? I did not get far, but you did! We had a lot of laughs.
I will miss seeing your smiling faces coming through those front doors. When I think of those doors I think "zombie" and "old lady wiping her feet". The horror! My film club boys will know what that means and I hope you are smiling, I am! I promise I am making a film for your next film festival. It is one of my many fall projects. Also on the list - kayaking, reading, hiking, taking a writing class, maybe even a Master Gardening class. Oh, and job hunting. Mmmmmmm, that might be the most difficult task so I will save it for last :)
So keep it going folks. You're definitely on to something good here. I leave you in very good hands with Karen Mitchell, new Teen Librarian. I picked a good one for you so be supportive, I know you will be and don't feel bad when you love her, too.
If you can't have me, I'm happy you have the next best thing ;) The next voice you hear will be hers..
Maine's nickname is "Vacationland", so when you are planning your vacation think Maine and look me up. Look on the map, we are in Bangor (pronounced Bangore not Banger). Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, Mount Katahdin, the highest mountain in Maine, are all nearby. You must visit.
Check it out on the map:

My email remains the same,
I will be happy to write you letters of recommendation or be a reference as you go out into the job market and off to colleges. I know you will all be successful and I look forward to following your progress. Stay in touch.
Until we meet again, my dear friends. And if fate never brings us together again, I will be grateful for the memories and wishing you all the best! xo
Much love,