Something new this year:
You will be able to log your books online and earn prizes. So, even if you go out of town, when you get back you can claim your rewards and be eligible for our grand prize. Whatever it is?! More information soon.
If you are on facebook:
Please find us and friend us so I can keep you posted about events.
Highland Park Public Library - Teens
We have some great events planned for summer:
Summer Reading Kick-off Beach Party
Friday June 18, 3 pm
Games, prizes, food! And, get your summer reading packet and instructions on how to play along.
Retro Game Day:
Yo-yo's, jump rope, pick up stix, jacks....come out and play with us!
Friday July 9 at 3 pm
Chess Club - Fridays in July 1 - 3 pm
Book Buddies - Thursday afternoons 3:30 - 4:30
Come read and do a craft with a young child. Very fun and there is cake and ice cream at the end :)
Teens Teach Technology
Dates to be determined
Teens work one on one with an adult to help them learn how to use the internet!
Very rewarding and much needed. See me if you are interested.
Movie and games nights and more!
Be there. I will be.